Tribe Building Tips's Facebook Notes

Monday, February 28, 2011

Business Update 2011-2012

Ladies and Gentlemen.

In order to have your company inserted in the registry of World Businesses
for 2011/2012 edition, please print, complete and submit the attached
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Updating is free of charge!

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Message ID: Eaqgyugvik

Monday, September 27, 2010

Colonel Sanders Returns to KFC Center Stage - Tribe Building Tip of the Day

Tribe Building Tip:  Great tribes have a PERSON - or live character (animal or mascot) - that they can identify with.  This personification of a business is critically important and more businesses should employ this marketing tactic which has been the backbone of advertising campaigns for many very successful companies.

In the fast food industry, we have Ronald McDonald, Dave Thomas, and the Burger King.  We've also had very successful "ad stars" that are closely associated with the brands - think about Clara Peller, the "Where's the Beef?" lady from the 80's and Jared Fogle, the Subway Guy.

Over the years, KFC founder Colonel Sanders was dropped from the company's advertising.  Wisely, the company is bringing the Colonel back and promoting him in a very personalized way using social media.  I believe this will be a very successful long term campaign for KFC.

What are YOU doing to personify your company?  Many times, small business owners fear being labeled "egotistic" when they promote themselves.  As Donald Trump said, "Always have an ego. There is nothing wrong with having an ego."

It seems to have worked for him - Donald Trump.  I predict it will work for KFC and the Colonel as well.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Speakers: Imagine easily & inexpensively getting the contact info 4 everyone in your audience? #nsa10 #nsaun
Do u have a kaching machine? I do!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

There is a lot of wicked stuff going on w/ facebook right now (spammers phishing?). I suggest changing your password NOW.
Revolution or Evolution? Do you think that in the "old days" people were saying "Using a telephone to TALK with someone?! How ridiculous. That's not TALKING with someone, that's talking into a machine!" Kind of like some folks say now about texting, social media, email, etc. Communication continues to evolve.
WOMEN: (Sorry guys, I didn't create this. I'm just promoting it. LOL): If you want more of a presence on facebook and to meet some really supportive femme friends, you might want to post a picture on the Awesome Women Hub page. They've got a special promotion going on that is really cool. They want women to post pictures of themselves doing something brave. I just posted a skydiving picture earlier. Better act fast! Promo is over Tuesday, Aug 31.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Blogpost - explanation of tribe building

Gina Carr is "The Tribe Builder".  She works with passionate leaders who want to build powerful tribes - raving fans who are loyal to the brand or cause.
Gina works with organizations that want to use "Tribe Building" as their primary strategy for building their organization.  Tribe Building goes way beyond the 4 P's of basic marketing - Product, Price, Place (distribution), and Promotion. Tribe Building is about creating a loyal following of raving fans that will buy from you (or support your cause) no matter what you are selling, how difficult it is to obtain, how much more expensive it is than your competition.  Tribe Building is about creating rabid, raving fans that will seek YOU out to find out what you have for them to buy today - versus you having to find them and convince them that they need what you have to sell.  This is a fundamental shift in the way most companies do business.  It is not for everyone.

>>>>  This is really cool:  Try my new M-card (mobile card).  Text GINA to 90210.  

Gina D. Carr, MBA
Marketing Advisor

Let's Get Connected! <<< personal HUB  <<<< great marketing tips

work: 407-745-0078
cell:   770-241-7246

Skype:  gina.carr

Gina's Gems - these are a few of the people, places, and things that I think are really nifty & groovy:

Mobile Marketing:     <<< I think this is SO HOT!

Internet Marketing - FREE Newsletter:

Email Marketing:

Note:  Some items in this email may include affiliate links for products and services.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Facebook Gets New Customer Service Application - Great Tribe Building Tool

Tribe Building Tip:  Great Tribe Builders LISTEN to their Tribe Members

One of the most important functions of social media for business is the ability to LISTEN to clients, employees, and other stakeholders.  Today a new tool (application) for Facebook just debuted that will make that easier for all parties.

I have personally used Twitter customer support for a few things (@Delta did a very good job!) and have found it to be helpful - quick response and people eager to help. I think this will be better because many problems need more than 140 characters to describe. LOL.

I see this as the natural evolution of Facebook's efforts to become more business friendly. This allows businesses to interact with their customers in a way that is timely, effective and convenient.  I look forward to recommending this to many of my clients.

Unlike many things I recommend, I have not yet found a FREE trial version.  If anyone sees one, please send my way.  Also, I have not yet found an affiliate program.  Any ideas there?

Those are TWO things I always look for - FREE trial and AFFILIATE program.  I figure if I'm going to refer something that someone is going to make money on, I should get a little "tip".  Seems reasonable - and very capitalistic - of me.  LOL!

Please let me know what you think!

>>>>  This is really cool:  Try my new M-card (mobile card).  Text GINA to 90210.  

Mobile Marketing:   <<< I think this is SO HOT!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Facebook Tip - Personalize Your Pages with a FB Vanity URL

Facebook Tip:

I've noticed that a lot of Facebook users don't seem to know that
they can personalize facebook by getting a "facebook vanity URL."
It is free and easy to do.

Go to    and follow the instructions.

You can name your personal profile as well as any special pages you
have set up to promote your business, books, events, etc.

For example, I have:

I invite you to connect with me on these pages where I frequently
share tips about marketing, building business, and growing a strong

Get more help at

Good luck!

Yours in Prosperity,


P.S.  Be on the lookout - I'm going to be letting you know about
some things I think can help you build your tribe.

P.S.S. This is really cool:  Try my new M-card (mobile card).  Text
GINA to 90210.

>>>>  This is really cool:  Try my new M-card (mobile card).  Text GINA to 90210.  

Gina D. Carr, MBA
Marketing Advisor

Let's Get Connected! <<< personal HUB  <<<< great marketing tips

work: 407-745-0078
cell:   770-241-7246

Skype:  gina.carr

Gina's Gems - these are a few of the people, places, and things that I think are really nifty & groovy:

Email Marketing:

Mobile Marketing:   <<< I think this is SO HOT!

Internet Marketing - FREE Newsletter:

Note:  Some items in this email may include affiliate links for products and services.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chad Hymas - Featured Tribe Builder of the Week

One of the highlights of the recent NSA Convention in Orlando was meeting and hearing Chad Hymas speak.

Chad Hymas was a healthy, happy, 27-year-old father of two when he jumped on his tractor nine years ago to drop some hay for his elk before heading home.  In an instant, Chad's life changed forever.

In addition to being an incredible inspiration to those who hear him, Chad is a genius at using social media to connect with, inspire, and grow his tribe.  He does a masterful job of blending his business life with his personal life to create an interesting and engaging "gathering place" for those who want to know what is going on with Chad.

Hop on over to Chad's Facebook Page and take note of the following that I think he does particularly well:

1.  Mixes business and personal - where he is speaking, things he is doing with the family, "thinks" he is thinking
2.  Shares "behind the scenes scoop" Chad's assistant Alisa does some "direct" posts where she lets fans know insider scoop about what is going on behind the scenes.
3.  Promotes without appearing braggadocious*.  He brings in 3rd party videos and testimonials - things OTHER people are saying about him.
4.  Sells stuff.  I love his tab "Chad's Store."  This shows some of his products and provides a direct link to Chad's shopping cart.  Simple.  Effective.
5.  Welcomes newcomers with a great custom landing page with video.

(Oh my.... I was impressed with Chad.  And then, I went to one of his websites -  OMG.  It is fabulous!  You must take a look!)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Check out my photos on Facebook

Gina Carr has:
1540 friends
52 photos
20 notes
196 wall posts
148 groups
Check out my photos on Facebook
I set up a Facebook profile where I can post my pictures, videos and events and I want to add you as a friend so you can see it. First, you need to join Facebook! Once you join, you can also create your own profile.
To sign up for Facebook, follow the link below:
Already have an account? Add this email address to your account. was invited to join Facebook by Gina Carr. If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.
Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tribe Building Tip: Saddle Up and Ride!

Did you know that statistically, many entrepreneurs and tribe builders have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)? 

The good news is that this "gift" enables these leaders to move easily from one aspect of the business to another - accounting, marketing, sales, operations, etc. - as is needed in most entrepreneurial ventures.

The bad news is that this "condition" often contributes to a lack of focus that is often recognized as one of the most common reasons for business and personal failure.

The "visual" that popped into my head yesterday was that of a person standing in a pasture surrounded by several beautiful horses. 

While it may be very enjoyable to walk around petting and talking with the horses, you are never going to actually "get anywhere" until you hop on a horse and start riding.

One horse.  One direction.

Are you caught up in making sure each "horse" gets attention but never actually gets "riden"?  Even worse, are you trying to ride two or three horses at the same time?

(Danger Will Robinson!  Danger!)

Maybe it's time for YOU to saddle up and ride ONE horse in ONE direction.  (At least for a little while - until you make some REAL progress towards a SINGLE goal?)

P.S. The insight I just shared occurred in a recent Master Mind group meeting.  Getting together with these brilliant people has helped me grow personally and professionally.  Every time we get together, I have significant insights into things I need to do to move forward in my journey towards financial freedom and personal happiness.  Thank you long time friends and Monday Master Mind members - Steve Monahan, Joe Gandolfo, Mark Nelson, and Bill Kovach.  You each have helped me in so many ways!  (If you aren't in a Master Mind group, why not?!)

P.S.S.  Semi-obscure side thought:  Did Wilbur ever actually RIDE Mr. Ed?  Just wondering......   (ADD - the gift that keeps giving - and taking....LOL)

Picture:  This picture is one I took of a little "master mind" meeting I observed at the Towne Lake Equestrian Center in Woodstock, Georgia which is owned by my good friend and fellow entrepreneur, Ita Dore.  

Gina D. Carr

770-241-7246  Cell

Skype:  gina.carr